What a mess! Brand new homes, empty rooms: Now what?It's pre-school readers to the rescue as they get to arrange--and re-arrange--all the furniture and accessories in every house on the street. Fifty magnetic pieces to place on magnetised pages--from bathroom rugs to the kitchen sink--that will unleash the inner interior decorator in every four-and five-year-old, whether they're restless in the backseat of the car, bored on a flight, or simply playing on the living room floor.Peggy Nille has lived and traveled widely from India to Machu Pichu and back to France. A student of the Beaux-Arts de Paris (ENSBA), where she studied painting and design, she has been illustrating full time since 2005. Born in France, Peggy Nille has lived and traveled widely from India to Machu Pichu and back to France. A student of the Beaux-Arts de Paris (ENSBA),where she studied painting and design, she has been illustrating full time since 2005.